Telephone Number 01233 648537

Number Information

Tell us about your experience with this number

Comments for the number 01233 648537

Mike RD 7 years ago

Very pleasant and polite lady undertaking a survey on behalf of a major bank that my company deals with, asked questions, opinion and scoring on various areas of service by the bank

Caller: International research company commissioned by the

Call type: Survey

Brat 7 years ago

Cold called something to do with financial services. Call call short advising contact main office

Caller: None given

Call type: Telemarketer

Jeff P 7 years ago

Called my number whilst message left. Appears to be an Ashford ,Kent number.

Caller: No contact

Call type: Unknown

Mr Hackett 7 years ago

Have had quite a few calls from this number but haven't picked up no message left on answer machine either so assuming it's a cold caller.

Call type: Unknown

Brian Coles 8 years ago

Have received a few unsolicited calls from this number. Have now blocked it.

Caller: F??? International

Call type: Unknown

Ashford (Kent)

The 01233 dialling code covers Ashford (Kent) and the surrounding area.

Number 01233 648537 is potentially valid.

Ofcom records show that numbers starting 0123364 are allocated to BT. Note that due to number portability if an individual number has moved to a different operator this information is not publicly available.

Ofcom's last recorded change for this number range was July 1994.

Phone numbers beginning 01233 are geographic numbers.

More on geographic numbers

Information on numbers beginning 01.

Tell us about your experience with this number

Your comments on telephone number 01233 648537